NaNoWriMo Update

Sitting at 20,592 words my manuscript stares at me blinking. Three short stories were birthed and two submitted to literary magazines, so there’s that. Smiley face and shrug.

In the meantime I doodle

For those unfamiliar with National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), it’s a 30 day writing sprint to get that first draft on the table. It blinks at me, it dares me to complete it, and I sit blinking back. It’s not blocked, it’s more or less a reluctance to rewrite some dialogue sitting on the hard drive to be inserted into the space. A part of me wants to just get to the “good part” and I know myself all too well to write ahead. If I do it, that other part won’t ever be finished.

And so the words stare at me and I stare at the words and we sit at impasse until the creative energy builds to the breaking point and words flow out of my fingers.

Stay tuned…

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